

  • 参加每季度一次的午餐会和一系列全年的专业发展活动,这些活动都是休斯顿商界领袖的特色

  • Build a network of advocates through professional development resources

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While the 妇女商业联盟 hosts a series of events throughout the year, the program's signature annual gathering is Rise to the Top. This unique event features compelling, 来自杰出女性高管的坦诚对话,讨论在当今的商业环境中,作为一名女性取得成功的挑战和胜利. 
The annual Rise to the Top event features prominent women leading Houston's business community.



New Partnership Members in November

The Greater Houston Partnership welcomed 6 new member companies in the month of November. The Partnership works to connect companies with resources, 提供信息和网络机会,帮助增加皇冠HGA010官方下载,同时也提供一个影响该地区发展方向的平台. New members joining in the month of November include: CVS Health: CVS Health is a leading health solutions company, that offers multiple channels to access health care locally and nationally. With a strong community presence, 技术领先的方法和与超过1亿人的无与伦比的参与使CVS健康能够提供高质量的服务, 个性化的, 负担得起的医疗保健. 网站.  休斯顿商业健康联盟:休斯顿商业健康联盟(HBCH)是致力于改善员工健康和福利的雇主的主要资源. HBCH brings together all stakeholders (employers, 健康计划医生, hospitals and regulators) to lower costs and improve quality, which contributes to the economic viability of the Houston business community. 网站.  Infrastructure Engineering Inc.: Infrastructure Engineering Inc is a leading engineering firm known for quality and responsiveness; that also has a proven track record of success as a prime civil engineering firm. 网站.  拉扎德公司 & Co. 有限责任公司:拉扎德公司 & Co. is a financial advisory and asset management firm that engages in investment banking, asset management and other financial services, primarily with institutional clients. 网站.  曼哈顿建筑公司:曼哈顿建筑集团是一家私人控股的建筑公司,提供一般建筑, 桥, 路, 土建工程, pipeline and specialty construction services in the United States, 中美洲, 墨西哥和加勒比地区. 网站. Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC: Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC provides coverage through 55 offices in 32 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in Canada, Mexico and Europe. This firm represents employers of all sizes and across many industries, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. 网站.   Click here to see the Partnership's 会员 目录. To learn more about membership with the Greater Houston Partnership click here, or contact membership@433969.com.

New Partnership Members in September and October

9月和10月,大休斯顿伙伴关系迎来了17家新成员公司. The Partnership works to connect companies with resources, 提供信息和网络机会,帮助增加皇冠HGA010官方下载,同时也提供一个影响该地区发展方向的平台. New members joining in the months of September and October include: Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.: Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. is a real estate investment trust based in Pasadena, 投资办公楼和实验室,租给生命科学和技术行业的租户. 网站.  桥年:桥年将缺乏服务的年轻人与职业和教育途径联系起来,提供经济稳定和独立. 网站.  职业管理合作伙伴:CMP是一家少数族裔和女性拥有的人才公司,致力于在人才的整个生命周期中发展个人和组织——从高管搜索和领导力发展到组织发展和职业过渡支持. 网站.  CMIT Solutions休斯顿SW: CMIT Solutions为位于休斯顿的企业提供托管IT支持和网络安全服务.  网站. Coterra: Coterra 皇冠HGA010官方下载 is a premier, diversified energy company well positioned to deliver superior and sustainable returns. 网站. 伊斯利,恩德斯,帕克希尔 & Brackendorff, PC: 伊斯利,恩德斯,帕克希尔 & Brackendorff, PC是一家在全球范围内提供专业会计服务的会计公司,其专长包括石油和天然气, 诉讼支持, business valuation and transition, 税务及遗产规划. 网站. Enterprise Products Partners LP: Enterprise Products Partners LP提供综合皇冠HGA010官方下载基础设施网络,为天然气生产商和消费者提供中游皇冠HGA010官方下载服务, 液化天然气, 原油, refined products and petrochemicals. 网站. Genesys Works: Genesys Works的使命是通过为贫困高中学生提供成功成为技术专业人员所需的知识和工作经验,使他们能够加入经济主流. 网站.  尔离开 & Scarbrough LLP: 尔离开 & Scarbrough LLP Providing b路 spectrum legal counsel to the construction industry in the USA and globally. 网站. Metropia公司.Metropia的技术超越了传统的MaaS,整合了运输系统的操作, behavior change intervention strategies and ESG reporting. 网站. Parker井筒:Parker井筒为皇冠HGA010官方下载市场转型提供先进的井筒施工解决方案. 网站. 西南学校:西南学校是一所基于选择的特许学校,为每个学生提供可以调整的充实的教育体验.  网站. The Branch School: The Branch School works to inspire every child to love, learn and lead in an atmosphere of genuine acceptance and support. 网站. 亨顿集团:亨顿集团是一家提供创新系统的多方面协同集团公司, 专业OEM服务, comprehensive solutions and high-quality products to its customers. 网站. Trevino Consulting Group: TCG is a boutique firm designed to work with primarily, 但也不完全是, 非营利组织, to strategically assist them in moving to the ‘next level’ – however they define that to be. 网站.  Umbrage: Umbrage is a crafts-based studio focused on designing, 在开发和交付企业软件的同时,锻造一个在组织内鼓励变更管理的过程. 网站.  WGA咨询工程师:WGA咨询工程师是一家专门从事商业场地开发的专业咨询公司, 土地开发, 公用事业区服务, 液压 & hydrology, water & wastewater and environmental consulting services. 网站. Click here to see the Partnership's 会员 目录. To learn more about membership with the Greater Houston Partnership click here, or contact membership@433969.com.




The Greater Houston Partnership's Annual Meeting will set the pace for 2024, 召集商界和社区领袖,庆祝休斯顿和该伙伴关系在促进增长和机遇方面所做的工作. …


“As a lifelong Houstonian, 我特别高兴能成为该伙伴关系的一员,并感谢他们为休斯顿市及周边社区的经济增长和发展所做的伟大工作.”


“成为合伙企业的一员是我作为首席执行官做出的最专业的决定之一. Even though I’m leading a nonprofit, the ability to cross-pollinate with organizations in various industries is extremely helpful. 通过与商界的思想领袖互动并从中受益,我发现他们确实在解决Hga010皇冠软件下载所面临的同样问题."

总统 & CEO, Neuhaus 教育 Center

“Greater Houston Partnership, thank you for continuing to be a great resource for information. Very proud to be a member of this organization that so well represents Houston, it's businesses and people.”

Business Development Manager, Industrial Tax Consulting

"With one of the largest databases of members, [the Partnership] is a wonderful networking resource for me."

Neal Talmadge

"The quality of the programs are top-notched, 正因为如此, the attendees are top-notched as well. Quality networking is great!"



This program and its benefits are exclusive to Partnership members. Learn more about becoming a company member today.

Ready to become a WBA member that leads into the benefits below?

  • 参加每季度一次的午餐会和一系列全年的专业发展活动,这些活动都是休斯顿商界领袖的特色
  • Build a network of advocates through professional development resources
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